Can the Metaverse be explored? Is it possible to buy intangible land? What does the experience of a virtual world leave us? Is it possible to create a dialogue, a common ground between virtual reality and physical reality? This project explores the relationship between nature and the Metaverse and raises new questions regarding the definition of the boundaries between visible and invisible realities. Through a mixture of innovative and traditional techniques, this work aims to create a synergistic relationship between these realities. An immaterial world that marks a boundary in the tangible world, an unexplored terrain in which physical and virtual reality collide.


The work deals with the issue of violence against women in a soft way, with discretion. A video is projected inside a vertical frame placed inside the room. The subject of the animation is a little girl, Matilde, who curls up and gets up, in an infinite loop. Matilde's image is constantly changing, her body becomes at times more defined, stable, at times it almost seems to dissolve in spots that pierce its shape in a frenzied way. This animation represents a woman's life, in constant change, consisting of a succession of difficult moments and moments in which she always manages to get up.